Class Historian, Class of 2012

Posted by Class of 2012 Officers on 08/13/2013

General Information

Nomination start - 01/17/2022
Nomination end - 02/17/2022
Process for Filling Position: Submission of a nomination
Number of Seats: 1
Location: Non-geographically based
Eligible Constituent(s): Alumni, Class of 2012

Summary of Position

The principal responsibility of the class historian is to collect and store a written and pictorial account of all class events and activities (those that are successful and even those that are not). This may include officer succession records; class mailings; photos from classmates; event favors; relevant articles from magazines and newspapers; and any other memorabilia deemed appropriate.

Cornell Interests:


Class Year

Talent Expectations: Skills


Layout and/or Design
Write and/or Edit
The historian may work with Reunion chairs to create a display of class history at reunion; membership chairs and Annual Fund representatives to create more meaningful class solicitations; or the class web community manager to store or publish class history online. May work with the class correspondents to provide newsworthy information.


Manage Projects
Class Historians must be well organized and be able to work effectively with other class officer positions.

Responsible Contact

Contact Name:
Analysia Arroyo
Volunteer Position Title:
Class Programs Engagement Officer
Email: Phone:

Time Commitment

Average Time Commitment: 1-2 hrs/month
Duration: Not Applicable
Term of Office: 5 years
Number of terms in Office: 2 terms


Hiatus Required? No hiatus required
Dues Required? Yes


Meeting Attendance Required? Yes

Meeting Location(s):
On Campus: No
Off Campus: Yes
Off Campus Location: CALC - Cornell Alumni Leadership Conference
Conference Call: Yes
Meetings per year: 1x year

Additional Attendance Requirements: Conference calls with class executive committee as determined by class president.

Yearly Philanthropic Expectation:

Make a gift to Cornell at a level of individual comfort

Alumni Trustee Election

Vote in the annual trustee election